In this powerful season of Resurrection, we will meet the holy women who came to the tomb out of love and were changed forever.
Our experience will include the Gospels, music, input, and time for contemplative prayer. What did the women see? What was their experience like? We will open our hearts to times in our lives when we have faced our fears, confusions, and asked what this all means. Like the women, we will meet the Risen Christ who lives in us and all creation, making all things new.
As a Sister of the Cenacle for 44 years, Sr. Kathy has given retreats and spiritual direction throughout the United States and Canada. She lived at the Metairie Cenacle twice for ten "wonderful" years and she says it is "a joy to return to be with you and share our journey with our Good God."
The Cenacle on the Lake is grateful for the opportunity to welcome Sr. Kathy back to her Metairie home!